Research advances in nanosciences, micro and nanotechnologies. Volume V


José Abraham Balderas López
Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México
Mónica Rosalía Jaime Fonseca
Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México

Many of the great advances in materials, medical and measurement devices have been the result of research in the area of nanotechnology, a multidisciplinary field to which many research groups in the world are dedicating their human and economic efforts. A spectacular development of nanotechnology in the medical field was, for instance, the obtaining, in record time, of vaccines to face the recent COVID-19 pandemic; others important advances are in the field of semiconductor devices, with the development of integrated circuits with greater density of active elements, as well as new light-emitting devices or semiconductor materials for applications in optoelectronics. It is not surprising then that many research groups in Mexico are devoted to do research in this field of science and technology, especially due the fact of the transfer of industries which are expecting to be moved to the country as result of the nearshoring, that is, the transfer of factories from the country of origin to places close to the market. Because of these facts, the National Polytechnic Institute, one of the best research institutions in México, is carrying out active research in the field of nanotechnology in its multiple disciplines. Some of these results are summarized in this new volume, which constitutes the fifth in a series of books generated as result of investigations of members of the nanoscience and micro-nanotechnologies network of the National Polytechnic Institute.


  • Preface
    Itzamá López Yáñez
  • Chapter 1. Prototype hydroponic system with led lighting control and parameter measurement for various horticulture crops
    Brian Emmanuel Ascensión-Martínez, Diego Adrián Fabila-Bustos, Luis Felipe de Jesús Hernández Quintanar, Macaria Hernández-Chávez
  • Chapter 2. Microncapsulation of nance (Byrsonima crassifolia L.) extract by spray drying
    A. Lozada-Zarate, P. López-Ordaz, M.C. Fernández-Martínez, Mónica Rosalía Jaime Fonseca, Miguel A. Aguilar-Méndez, J. Yáñez-Fernández
  • Chapter 3. Mesoporous silica nanoparticles as adsorbents of methylene blue aqueous solutions
    C. Proa-Coronado, José Abraham Balderas López
  • Chapter 4. Dynamic system development for real-time light spectra acquisition for optical biosensor applications in Python
    Christian Isaac Hurtado-Esquivel, Erika Maricruz Gallardo Pinal, Luis Alfonso Villa-Vargas, Miguel Ángel Alemán-Arce, Verónica Iraís Solís-Tinoco, Marco Antonio Ramírez-Salinas
  • Chapter 5. Bio-jet fuel production from the enhanced crops of Botryococcus Braunii by MgO nanoparticles (MgO NPs)
    Blanca Estela Chávez Sandoval, Susana Amador-Jiménez, José Abraham Balderas López
  • Chapter 6. TiO2-WO3 heterojunctions for photocatalytic hydrogen generation
    X. González-Bautista, M.L. Hernández-Pichardo, J.V. Méndez-Méndez
  • Chapter 7. Effect of density of states in electrical simulation of amorphous indium-gallium-zinc-oxide thin film transistor
    Arturo Torres-Sánchez, Isai Hernández-Luna, Francisco Hernández-Cuevas, Cuauhtémoc León-Puertos, Norberto Hernández-Como
  • Chapter 8. Numerical analysis of plasmonic nanohole diameters in thin gold films
    Verónica Iraís Solís-Tinoco, Ana Elisa Pérez-Tovar, Hatzyri Ismerai Hernandez Mercado, Berenice Montiel Pitalua, Karen Lyzeth Alonzo García, Luis Alfonso Villa-Vargas, Marco Antonio Ramírez-Salinas, Miguel Ángel Alemán-Arce
  • Chapter 9. Numerical modeling of surface acoustic waves for electronic filter design
    Alonso Fernández García, Ericka Yatzil García Figueroa, Luis Alfonso Villa-Vargas, Juan Carlos Sánchez García, Marco Antonio Ramírez-Salinas, Verónica Iraís Solís-Tinoco, Miguel Ángel Alemán-Arce
  • Chapter 10. Silver and copper nanofluids, synthesis, characterization and their antimicrobial properties against pathogenic microorganisms
    Andrea Marisol Medina Solano, José Abraham Balderas López, María de Lourdes Moreno Rivera, Blanca Estela Chávez Sandoval
  • Chapter 11. Synthesis of chitosan scaffolds for tissue engineering using Schiff reactions
    Gabriela Martínez-Mejía, Andrés Castell-Rodríguez, Rogelio Jiménez-Juárez, Mónica Corea
Cover for Research advances in nanosciences, micro and nanotechnologies. Volume V