Planteamiento de un modelo de mantenimiento industrial basado en técnicas de gestión del conocimiento


Francisco Javier Cárcel Carrasco
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Today, large enterprises and SMEs that use buildings, machinery, equipment, etc., to generate goods or services, have the need to hold these assets to the highest possible availability at minimum cost, raising durability of those assets, and minimizing of operating costs.

Effective maintenance management represents one of the crucial activities of most of the companies with physical assets. Are therefore logical the efforts to optimize its operation, using both human and technical means.

The book entitled “Knowledge management in industrial maintenance engineering: research on the impact on their strategic activities,” a description of the status of the situation and the basic principles of knowledge management and maintenance engineering was performed.

In this, a model for knowledge management in the area of industrial maintenance has been proposed and developed, articulated over two years field research within the food industry, with high technical requirements and reliability, in order to quantify the impact and features that provide to the firm an improved transfer of knowledge within the area of industrial maintenance, improving the efficiency of this service.

Cover for Planteamiento de un modelo de mantenimiento industrial basado en técnicas de gestión del conocimiento