Business humanism in the digital age: An ethical perspective on artificial intelligence


Rafael Robina Ramírez

The digital era presents vast opportunities but also significant risks that require thoughtful consideration. A "business humanism" approach, which prioritizes human dignity over market demands and technological efficiency, is essential. This perspective seeks to balance technological progress with human well-being, viewing technology as a means to achieve the common good and promote the integral development of individuals.

The XXXI EBEN-Spain Congress aims to explore how academics and professionals can address these challenges by evaluating the impact of the digital revolution on social and economic transformations. The event provides a space to reflect on how these changes affect the nature of work and labor relations, emphasizing the importance of business humanism in an era of rapid technological advancement.

Key topics discussed include ensuring transparency and accountability through auditing and reporting, promoting well-being and happiness in the workplace, and maintaining high ethical standards in accounting and finance. The congress also explores corporate social responsibility (CSR), the adoption of new technologies and their associated risks, and the need for sectors like innovation economics and rural economies to adapt to digital transformation.

Other discussions focus on preparing education for a digitally-driven future, fostering entrepreneurship, and adapting business strategies in family businesses and healthcare companies. Sustainable finance, non-profit management, and human resource management are highlighted as crucial for fostering a positive organizational climate.

Finally, the congress addresses AI’s impact on work, inclusion, and disability, along with leadership, marketing, and corporate reputation, all while emphasizing virtues and moral competencies to navigate the ethical challenges of the digital age.

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