Manual de laboratorio en las enfermedades autoinmunes digestivas


Mª José López García
Agencia Sanitaria Alto Guadalquivir
Antonia Osuna Molina
Servicio Andaluz de Salud
Rosario Osuna Molina
Servicio Andaluz de Salud

Digestive Autoimmune diseases are a group of diseases of great importance to many experts, for their clinical manifestations and complications during their evolution, and the diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties that sometimes arise. Scientific societies have recently revised diagnostic criteria for many of these diseases, and in turn the techniques and analytical procedures are moving towards greater efficiency in the management of these disorders.

The purpose of this manual is to update clinical, technical and analytical knowledge about these diseases, with the aim of helping the diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring of autoimmune diseases by the laboratory digestive clinical analysis, especially from the area of Autoimmunity, in the field of Immunology.

Cover for Manual de laboratorio en las enfermedades autoinmunes digestivas